家乡: 罗穆卢斯,密歇根州
易胜博app安卓下载活动: 篮球,易胜博app安卓下载指导计划,圆圈之声特约撰稿人
当我第一次到达易胜博app安卓下载时最惊讶的是: The weekend activities were a lot more enjoyable than I expected; I really enjoyed how they brought everyone together and made the Groton experience even more enjoyable for me.
最喜欢的类: Latin and Ecology because they were my two most challenging classes; these classes especially pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me improve my study habits and work ethic over the course of my first year at Groton.
最喜欢的食堂食物: 汉堡、薯条和奶昔!